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akhenaton e tutankhamon

Colossal pyramids, imposing temples, golden treasures, enigmatic hieroglyphs, powerful pharaohs, strange gods, and mysterious mummies are features of Ancient Egyptian culture that have fascinated people over the millennia. femminili e incisioni cancellate e adattate al nome di Tutankhamon.La famosa maschera d'oro, ad un attento esame, presenta una spaccatura tra il volto e il copricapo. He was married to the Ankhaspaaton - the daughter of Akhenaton and Nefertiti - he was made co-regent to Akhenaton and on the King's death returned from the city of Akhetaton to Thebes - he lived until year 7 of his reign. La Tombe de Tut est Découverte !!!! Horemheb’s inscriptions listed himself as the successor to Amenhoptep III and made no mention of the rulers of the Amarna Period. Health & Wellness Website. In Akhenaton's time, this role fell to the royal couple, both man and woman, and more importantly so than ever. E del papà, il faraone Akhénaton, che muore nel 1317 a.C. An epilogue recaps how Amarna's modern discovery helped solve the mysteries surrounding this city, its unique founder, and the aftermath of his revolution. The depiction, then, could illustrate Akhenaten and Nefertiti as those who had been transformed to god-like status by their devotion to the Aten to such an extent that their faith is seen even in their children. – 1323 f.Kr.) Français : Tutankafer vient de Toutânkhamon et de fer, afin de faire référence à l'expression « Tant qu'à faire ». Akhenaton va tenir almenys tres dones més: Merytaten (de nom semblant al de dues filles del faraó, però diferent persona, mare d'una d'elles), Kiya (possible mare de Tutankhamon), i Ankhesenpaaten (possible mare d'Ankhesenpaaten la Jove, després casada amb Tutankhamon). Could a youth effect such changes without significant help? Akhenaton - Amenhotep IV / Amenofis IV. La figura di Akhenaton, permea la scelta del dio Aton e le due figure sono indissolubilmente legate tra loro. Il ritrovamento della sua tomba intatta è stata una delle maggiori scoperte archeologiche della storia. A Gênesis de Akhenaton Mudando seu própio nome de Amon-Ofis ( ?Deus se compraz? ) a fost un faraon din dinastia a 18-a, conducătorul Egiptului între anii 1332 î.Hr. It should be noted that `cult’ did not have the same meaning in this regard as it does in the present day. Noté /5: Achetez Tutankhamon. Vicious POINT. "O Nascimento dos Deuses: Romance de Tutankhâmon", de Dimitri Merejkovsky, publicada originalmente em 1925. Akhenaton, Smenkhkarê et Tutankhamon download Plainte Commentaires All rights reserved. A male given name of historical usage, notably borne by the 14th century B.C.E. Akhenaton e la sua famiglia. Guarda la fotogalleria Le mummie ci. som søn af den regerende farao, Amenhotep III, og hans hustru, Teje. Questo, sempre secondo Reeves, dimostrerebbe che la maschera sarebbe stata originariamente quella di Akhenaton a cui sarebbe stato rimosso il volto in modo da applicare quello di Tutankhamon. ROMA - Trovata finalmente la moglie di Tutankhamon. He became famous as a member of the group IAM, and has since made a number of records, both with IAM and as a solo artist. Why did this reversal take place? Malgrat la seva fama, deguda al fet que hom va descobrir la seva tomba quasi intacta, fou un faraó secundari de la dinastia. Akhenaton (alternativ Akhenaten, inițial Amenhotep IV) a fost un faraon din Dinastia a XVIII-a (1379-1362 î.Hr.). Akhenaten chose this name for himself after his conversion to the cult of Aten. Seus pais foram o Rei Amenófia III e a Rainha Tiye; teve duas esposas: a primeira foi a Rainha Kiya que teve um filho chamado Tutankhamon, a segunda esposa foi a Rainha Nerfertiti que teve seis filhas, onde uma delas, a Rainha Ankhesenamon, casou-se com Tutankhamon, tornando-se em breve a futura rainha do Egito. It carried the same meaning then as a member of the Christian community today being designated a Baptist, a Lutheran, a Presbyterian, or Catholic or Eastern Orthodox. Amenhotep IV moved his seat of power from the traditional palace at Thebes to one he built at the city he founded, Akhetaten, changed his name to Akhenaten, and continued the religious reforms which resulted in his being despised as `the heretic king’ by some later writers while admired as a champion of monotheism by others. pharaoh Akhenaten, father of Tutankhamon and founder of Atenism Fu quindi nonna di Akhenaton e bisnonna di Tutankhamon. 1,7 K J’aime. His reign as Amenhotep IV lasted five years during which he followed the policies of his father and the religious traditions of Egypt. He is also known as `Akhenaton’ or `Ikhnaton’ and also `Khuenaten’, all of which are translated to mean `successful for’ or `of great use to’ the god Aten. Josef Wegner is Associate Curator in the Egyptian Section at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology and Associate Professor of Egyptology at the University of Pennsylvania. Nel 2012, Hutan Ashrafian, chirurgo dell'Imperial College London, ha pubblicato una ricerca sulla morte prematura di Akhenaton (avvenuta intorno ai 40 anni) e sulle morti precoci di altri faraoni della XVIII dinastia (fra cui Tutankhamon e Thutmose IV, nonno paterno di Tutankhamon). Tutankhamon was born in Malkata and thought to be the son of Amenhophis III and his Queen Tiye. AKHENATEN’S RELIGIOUS REFORMS MAY HAVE BEEN THE FIRST EVER INSTANCE OF MONOTHEISM. The historian Lewis Spence writes, “With the exception of Ra and Osiris, the worship of Amun was more widespread than that of any other god in the Nile Valley; but the circumstances behind the growth of his cult certainly point to its having been disseminated by political rather than religious propaganda” (137). Han er blitt særleg kjend i ettertida for det rike gravfunnet sitt.Grava hans i Kongedalen, som blei funnen i 1922, er den best bevarte gammalegyptiske grava ein har funne.Han var også ein av få faraoar dyrka som ein gud medan han levde. - L'Unione Sarda.i Sarcofago del faraone Tutankhamon, al via i lavori di … Ancient Egyptian cemetery with 40 MUMMIES and a necklace saying ‘Happy New Year’ is found along with 1,000 statues in the Nile Valley. Akhenaten and Tutankhamun Revolution and Restoration David P. Silverman, Josef W. Wegner, and Jennifer Houser Wegner. til år 332 efter vor tidsregning (e.v.t.) September 1968 in Marseille geboren und wuchs in einem Vorort der Stadt auf. Det egyptiske samfund i denne periode – ifølge leksikonet Den Store Danske (se kilder) var det perioden fra 3.000 år før vor tidsregning (f.v.t.) – er en af de ældste kendte civilisationer. Je suis Tutankhamon! La ragione è da ricercare nella damnatio memoriae del padre di Ankhesenamun e Tutankhamon, Akhenaton, di cui si cercarono di dimenticare ogni gesta a causa della sua eresia monoteista amarniana, e della stessa sorte che. GoogleEarth permet de visualiser le wadi vu d'en haut et depuis le temple sous 103°. She was the mother of Akhenaten and grandmother of Tutankhamun. Non si era mai capito con chi Akhénaton si fosse accoppiato per … Akhenaten and Tutankhamun: Revolution and Restoration. Tutankhamon var ein farao under det attande dynastiet i Egypt, frå om lag 1334 til 1325 f.Kr. Angeli in Astronave tributo. The historian Durant, for example, writes that Akhenaten’s reforms were “the first out-standing expression of monotheism – seven hundred years before Isaiah [of the Bible] and an astounding advance upon the old tribal deities” (210). (IT) Akhenaton è stato un Faraone egiziano della XVIII dinastia. Appelé très jeune sur le trône, il rétablit le culte du dieu Amon.Sous son règne, Memphis, au nord de l'Égypte, redevient la capitale de l'empire. Tutankhamon, fils de sa de leur père et leur mise en scène mégalithique ... @ E 30.8960° / N 27.6452°, sous un angle de 103°, le logiciel starrynight de siennasoft rétrodit : 31 jours et 20h avant l'équinoxe vernal ( -1336.04.02 / 00:41 UT), le Soleil se leva dans l'encadrement du wadi . Philippe Fragione, better known by his stage name Akhenaton, is a French rapper and hip hop producer of Italian origin. Amenhotep IV may have been co-regent with his father, Amenhotep III, and it has been noted that the sun-disk known as the `Aten’ is displayed on a number of inscriptions from this period of the earlier king’s reign. Whether one regards Akhenaten as a hero or villain in Egypt’s history, his elevation of the Aten to supremacy changed not only that nation’s history, but the course of world civilization. e pertence ao período denominado Imperio Novo de Exipto . Personal Blog . 208 pages | 7 x 10 | 180 color illus. There was absolutely nothing negative in the designation of a community of worshippers being known as a `cult’ in ancient Egypt. It deals with such topics as the evolution of Akhenaten's ideology and the concepts surrounding the foundation, construction, and use of his innovative city and its unique palaces, temples, and houses. Son règne [modifier | modifier le wikicode]. Les peintures représentent Akhenaton doté d'un physique féminin car selon la croyance égyptienne, Dieu, représenté sur terre par le pharaon, était androgyne. " Egypt's eighteenth dynasty, a period of empire building, was also for a short time the focus of a religious revolution. Tushratta, the king of Mitanni, who had also been a close ally of Egypt, complained that Amenhotep III had sent him statues of gold while Akhenaten only sent gold-plated statues. El a înlocuit religia politeistă a Egiptului cu un sistem monoteist , ridicându-l pe zeul discului solar Aton la rangul de zeu unic al Egiptului . Passò alla storia come il "faraone eretico" per aver tentato di sostituire il culto del dio Amon con un nuovo culto monoteista: quello del dio Aton, divinità solare. This can also be explained as stemming from Akhenaten’s religious beliefs in that the Aten, not the pharaoh, was the most important consideration (as in the Stele of Akhenaten, it is the Aten disk, not the family, which is the center of the composition) and, under the influence of the Aten’s love and grace, the pharaoh and his family thrives. În cadrul reformei sale, a construit un oraș nou unde a mutat capitala regatului. (IT) Tutankhamon è stato un Faraone egiziano della XVIII dinastia. Il termine aton appare in uso almeno dal Primo. His reign represents a significant departure from religious, artistic, and political norms.” – Egyptologist Zahi Hawass. Tutankhamon, Tut Ankh Amon eller Tut-ankh-amon (1345/1341/1340 f.Kr. Efter selv at have overtaget tronen gennemførte han en række radikale politiske og religiøse reformationer. Tutankhamon (n. 1341 î.Hr. The Amarna Period is the most controversial era in Egyptian history and has been studied, debated, and written about more than any other. He is also known as `Akhenaton’ or `Ikhnaton’ and also `Khuenaten’, all of which are translated to mean `successful for’ or `of great use to’ the god Aten. Egypt's eighteenth dynasty, a period of empire building, was also for a short time the focus of a religious revolution. Some historians have praised Akhenaten’s reforms as the first instance of monotheism and the benefits of monotheistic belief; but these reforms were not at all beneficial to the people of Egypt at the time. Le fils d'Akhenaton est devenu Pharoah à l'âge de neuf ou dix ans. Ankhesenamon e Tutankhamon true story-Aton dinasty/Lucilla Sperati. Toutânkhamon : le pharaon maudit est une série TV de Peter Paige et Bradley Bredeweg avec Ben Kingsley (Ay), Avan Jogia (Le roi Toutânkhamon). Malgrat la seva fama, deguda al fet que hom va descobrir la seva tomba quasi intacta, fou … ), o faraó mudou a capital do Egito de Tebas para uma parte nova e até então não desenvolvidade no deserto, Akhet-Aton ( ?o horizonte de Aton? Jennifer Houser Wegner is Associate Curator in the Egyptian Section at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. In religious scenes, they are therefore the only ones to receive the Sun's rays. É posible que Tutankhamon sexa o rei Nibhurrereya das … Personnalité publique Biographie. Watterson notes that Ribaddi (Rib-Hadda), king of Byblos, who was one of Egypt’s most loyal allies, sent over fifty letters to Akhenaten asking for help in fighting off Abdiashirta (also known as Aziru) of Amor (Amurru) but these all went unanswered and Byblos was lost to Egypt (112). Akhenaton. Akhenaton va tenir almenys tres dones més: Merytaten (de nom semblant al de dues filles del faraó, però diferent persona, mare d'una d'elles), Kiya (possible mare de Tutankhamon), i Ankhesenpaaten (possible mare d'Ankhesenpaaten la Jove, després casada amb Tutankhamon). Personal Blog. Nebjeperura Tutankhamon, máis coñecido como Tutankhamon, Tutankhamón, Tutankamon ou Tutankamón, foi un faraón pertencente á dinastía XVIII de Exipto que reinou de c. 1336/1335 a.C. a 1327/1325 a.C.. O seu nome orixinal, Tut-ankh-Atón, significa «imaxe viva de Atón», mentres que Tut-ankh-Amón significa «imaxe viva de Amón». Akhenaten chose this name for himself after his conversion to the cult of Aten. Freud recognizes that the Cult of Aten existed long before Akhenaten raised it to prominence but points out that Akhenaten added a component unknown previously in religious belief: “He added the something new that turned into monotheism, the doctrine of a universal god: the quality of exclusiveness” (24). Interest in Tutankhamun spread to the family of the `golden king’ and so attention was brought to bear again on Akhenaten after almost 4,000 years. Toutankhamon, secrets de famille: mystères de la momie . Ankhesenamon e Tutankhamon true story-Aton dinasty/Lucilla Sperati. Nachdem er in den achtziger Jahren Hip-Hop entdeckte, flog er öfter nach New York. The gods and practices of the various cults all represented the same end: eternal harmony and balance. At birth he was named Tutankhaten, a name reflecting the Atenist beliefs of his father. Tamén é coñecido como Akhenatón, Ecnatón, Ijnatón, Amenhotep IV, ou Amenofis IV, nome helenizado. Under his idiosyncratic rule, the capital was moved from Thebes to Akhetaton (Tell el-Amarna), where clay tablets (Amarna Letters) were discovered that provide insight into his diplomatic relations. The famous Stele of Akhenaten, depicting the royal family, shows the rays of the Aten touching them all and each of them, even Nefertiti, depicted with the same elongation as the king. David P. Silverman is Professor and Chair, Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Pennsylvania. By the time Amenhotep IV came to power, the priests of Amun were on almost equal standing with the royal house in wealth and influence. Ayuda Matematica. A male given name of historical usage, notably borne by the 14th century B.C.E. Talent []. Source: Ancient History Encyclopedia (, photo: Pinterest. In concise and readable form, this generously illustrated volume takes a fresh approach to a most fascinating period in Egyptian history. His mother is one of Akhenaten's sisters. (EN) Akhenaten was an egyptian Pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty. Da tempo gli archeologi pensavano che non ci fosse più nulla di importante da scoprire nella Valle dei Re in Egitto dopo il ritrovamento, avvenuto nel 1922, della tomba piena zeppa di tesori del re Tutankhamon. O seu reinado está datado ao redor de c. 1353/2 a 1338/6 adC. Momie : remplace le talent de l’attaquant par « Momie » lorsque le Pokémon subit une attaque directe. To consider these images as realistic depictions of the royal family, afflicted with some disorder, seems to be a mistake in that there would be no reason for Nefertiti to share in the king’s supposed disorder. Secondo alcune fonti fu Nefertiti sotto il nome di Smenkhkara a governare l'Egitto dopo Akhenaton e prima di Tutankhamon. . Tutankhamon fu un faraone egiziano della 18esima dinastia, e governò tra il 1332 aC e il 1323 aC. His wet nurse was a woman called Maia, known from her tomb at Saqqara.. Tombeau de Néfertiti ou pas, l'Égypte espère la trouvaille du siècle. Priests of Amun who had the time and resources hid statuary and texts from the palace guards sent to destroy them and then abandoned their temple complexes. Tutankhamon: A Maldição do Anel (Portuguese Edition) eBook: Capanema, Silvania: Kindle-Shop (EN) Tutankhamun was an egyptian Pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty. Som symbol på sin dyrkelse af solguden, Aton, tog han na var fra 1334/1333 f.Kr. Akhenaton wurde am 17. Figlio di Amenhotep III, ha avuto due spose: Nefertiti (la grande sposa reale) e Kiya, una principessa straniera (la madre di Tutankhamon). 831 likes. He has also worked under the aliases Chill, AKH, Sentenza, and Spectre. Whether Akhenaten was motivated by a political agenda to suppress the power of the Cult of Amun or if he experienced a true religious revelation, he was the first on record to envision a single, supreme deity who cared for the individual lives and fates of human beings. Fu quindi nonna di Akhenaton e bisnonna di Tutankhamon. The authors also look at the radical religion, politics, and art, he introduced to Egypt as well as at the consequences of his actions after his death, including how his successors, most notably, Tutankhamun, Egypt's most famous pharaoh, dealt with the restoration of traditional ways. Akhenaten (pronounced / ˌ æ k ə ˈ n ɑː t ən /), also spelled Echnaton, Akhenaton, Ikhnaton, and Khuenaten (Ancient Egyptian: ꜣḫ-n-jtn, meaning "Effective for the Aten"), was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh reigning c. 1353–1336 or 1351–1334 BC, the tenth ruler of the Eighteenth Dynasty. Neferjeperura Amenhotep, Neferjeperura Akhenatón, foi o décimo faraón da dinastía XVIII de Exipto. Toutânkhamon (né vers -1345, mort vers -1327) est le onzième pharaon de la XVIII e dynastie (Nouvel Empire).Selon les dernières études génétiques, il est le fils d'Akhenaton et de la propre sœur de ce dernier, dont l'identité est inconnue, mais désignée comme Younger Lady [n 3], dont la momie est répertoriée KV35YL [2]. Akhenaton è stato un faraone della XVIII dinastia. 516 mentions J’aime. I figli di Akhenaton (sicuri o ipotizzati), con il probabile anno di nascita, furono: Smenkhara — 35o o 36o anno del regno di Amenofi III. Amenhotep IV may have been co-regent with his father, Amenhotep III, and it has been noted that the sun-disk known as the `Aten’ is displayed on a number of inscriptions from this period of the earlier king’s reign. - d. 1323 î.Hr.) Tipos de colesterol. Now called the Amarna Period (1353-1322 BCE), after the site of an innovative capital city that was the center of the new religion, it included the reigns of the heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten and his presumed son, the boy king Tutankhamun. Egypt's empire, the role of its women, its relations with other nations of the ancient world, and the remarkable place both Akhenaten and Tutankhmun hold in history are also among other issues discussed. Era invece la Grande Sposa Reale (la moglie principale) del faraone eretico, fra i più discussi della storia egizia, Akhenaton, che regnò dal 1353 al 1336 aC circa. Junior Vera. Akhenaten, king of ancient Egypt of the 18th dynasty, who established a new cult dedicated to the Aton, the sun’s disk. Sigmund Freud, in his 1939 CE work Moses and Monotheism, argues that Moses was an Egyptian who had been an adherent of the Cult of Aten and was driven from Egypt following Akhenaten’s death and the return to the old religious paradigm. Akhnaton og hans førstehustru Nefertiti var de eneste som måtte tilbede Aton direkte. © 2017 The Core Apps. Prior to this conversion, he was known as Amenhotep IV (or Amenophis IV). Una delle versioni dice che la ragazza era la moglie del padre di Akhenaton e dopo la morte passò al giovane Faraone Akhenaton e Nefertiti, i faraoni del sole, segnarono una svolta nella storia egiziana. “Dating to this point in Akhenaten’s reign was a campaign to excise the name of gods other than the Aten, especially Amun, from the monuments of Egypt. They investigate how and why this unique pharaoh made fundamental changes in the social contract between himself and his subjects on one side, and between his new solar god, the Aten, and himself on the other. However, in the fifth year, he underwent a dramatic religious transformation, changed his devotion from the cult of Amun to that of Aten, and, for the next twelve years, became famous (or infamous) as the `heretic king’ who abolished the traditional religious rites of Egypt and instituted the first known monotheistic state religion in the world and, according to some, monotheism itself. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "pharaon tutankhamon" – Dictionnaire anglais-français et moteur de recherche de traductions anglaises. farao i det 18. dynasti.18. frem til sin død i 1323 f.Kr. Hans søn (Tutankhamon) reddede familiens ære [ kilde mangler] efter Akhnatons død og fik genetableret Amon og alle de tidligere guder. - 1323 î.Hr, urcând pe tron la 9 ani. Hatshepsut and her successors, such as Tuthmosis III (1458-1425 BCE), employed a balanced approach of diplomacy and military action in dealing with foreign nations; Akhenaten chose simply to largely ignore what happened beyond the borders of Egypt and, it seems, most things outside of his palace at Akhetaten. pharaoh Akhenaten, father of Tutankhamon and founder of Atenism From documents and letters of the time it is known that other nations, formerly allies, wrote numerous times asking Egypt for help in various affairs and that most of these requests were ignored by the deified king. This was done with violence: hieroglyphs were brutally hacked from the walls of temples and tombs. Prior to this conversion, he was known as Amenhotep IV (or Amenophis IV). WikiMatrix WikiMatrix. Quando divenne re, sposò. Af flere grunde har det været svært for egyptologer at få særligt meget at vide om Tutankhamon, der var farao i Egypten i oldtiden. One aspect of Amarna Period art which differentiates it from earlier and later periods is the intimacy of the images, best exemplified in the Stele of Akhenaten showing the family enjoying each other’s company in a private moment. Three Penn Egyptologists examine the concept of royal power and demonstrate how Akhenaten established, projected, and maintained his vision of it. Tutankhamon è stato a lungo ritenuto fratello minore di Smenkhara e figlio di Akhenaton e, possibilmente, della sposa secondaria Kiya (pochi egittologi hanno inteso Tutankhamon … Tutankamon o Tutankhamon fou un faraó de la dinastia XVIII de l'antic Egipte.Va succeir Semenkhare, qui podria haver estat el seu germà, i va governar durant uns 10 anys (1335/1336 a 1325/1327 aC). Claudio Agostoni di Radio Popolare intervista Saul Stucchi di ALIBI Online sulla mostra Akhenaton e Nefertiti al Museo di Arte e Storia di Ginevra (poi a Palazzo Bricherasio a Torino) Tutankhamon e Ankhesenamon.jpg 240 × 177 ; 28 Kio Tutankhamun and his wife - gilded shrine.jpg 1 285 × 960 ; 502 Kio Tutankhamun cartouches.svg 1 558 × 1 804 ; 57 Kio This insistence on being the sole arbiter of ultimate truth leads to intolerance of other beliefs and their suppression; this is precisely what happened in Egypt. El este fiul faraonului Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton) și al reginei Kiya, făcând parte din Noul Regat, dinastia a 18-a, numită și Epoca de aur a faraonilor Tutankhamon (n. 1341 î.Hr. a fost un faraon din dinastia a 18-a, conducătorul Egiptului între anii 1332 î.Hr. Whether Akhenaten was motivated by a political agenda to suppress the power of the Cult of Amun or if he experienced a true religious revelation, he was the first on record to envision a single, supreme deity who cared for the individual lives and fates of human beings. The "discarnate" Sun was represented only by its visible manifestation - the Aten-disk - and the sovereigns were its only earthly embodiment. ; Étymologies []. In the 5th year of his reign, Amenhotep IV outlawed the old religion and proclaimed himself the living incarnation of a single all-powerful deity known as Aten and, by the 9th year, he had closed all the temples and suppressed religious practices. Manéthon l'appelle Chebres. - d. 1323 î.Hr.) Han besteg tronen som Amenhotep IV og regerede sammen med sin far det sidste af dennes regeringstid. As a god, he seems to have felt that the affairs of state were beneath him and simply stopped attending to his responsibilities One of the many unfortunate results of Akhenaten’s religious reforms was a neglect of foreign policy. Education Website. Non era una moglie qualunque, ma la sorella. The polytheism of the ancient Egyptians encouraged a world view where peace and balance were emphasized and religious tolerance was not considered an issue; there is not even a word directly corresponding to the concept of `religious tolerance’ in the ancient Egyptian texts. The Aten was not new to the rule of Akhenaten and, prior to his conversion, was simply another cult among the many in ancient Egypt. Son nom a été changé en Tutankhamon, pour honorer les anciens dieux que son père a essayé d'effacer. A hallmark of any monotheistic belief system, however, is that it encourages the belief that, in order for it to be right, other systems must necessarily be wrong.

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